LEAD Inspire motivate encourage grow

LEAD Inspire motivate encourage grow
Catherine's First Law of Leadership: People can only ever perform up to their level of belief in themselves. The keys to success in life are known to be within. Catherine helps us find our blocks and locks. And leads us to open the door.
From early accountancy experience, my fascination with business began - and eventually my dedication to behavioural sciences, with a Master's degree focusing on social ecology and organisational development. People skills are not soft, they're hard! with an infinite number of complex variables to navigage. And the territory of the mind
From early accountancy experience, my fascination with business began - and eventually my dedication to behavioural sciences, with a Master's degree focusing on social ecology and organisational development. People skills are not soft, they're hard! with an infinite number of complex variables to navigage. And the territory of the mind is rich and valuable exploration.
I was raised and educated to know that challenges are there to stretch us. Let me help.
In all areas of life, the role of Leader is talked about, written about, taught but still found to be so very challenging. 2,840 million Google references don't seem to be much value. Even after leading two international organisations, several national bodies, and chaired boards, I'm still learning, as are we all. The abilities to dis
In all areas of life, the role of Leader is talked about, written about, taught but still found to be so very challenging. 2,840 million Google references don't seem to be much value. Even after leading two international organisations, several national bodies, and chaired boards, I'm still learning, as are we all. The abilities to discern and communicate with clarity, to influence with confidence and understanding, to lead creative innovation and to generate emergence with deep nurturing, are essential. Systems make it simpler. Trust makes the difference.
Since establishing my business consultancy, speaking and training organisation 30 years ago, I have shared my messages and motivation at meetings and events around the world. Whether as a keynote speaker or workshop facilitator, I encourage your people to break through the mental boundaries that limit achievement, and provide the practic
Since establishing my business consultancy, speaking and training organisation 30 years ago, I have shared my messages and motivation at meetings and events around the world. Whether as a keynote speaker or workshop facilitator, I encourage your people to break through the mental boundaries that limit achievement, and provide the practical systems and tools to make it easier and more effective. Leading Change is the role of a Leader. MindShifts are challenging. I'm known as 'The SHIFTworker'.
Good leadership has always meant
1) a strong clear vision
2) great communication and
3) powerful personal qualities that inspire followership.
Right now, in Covid 19 and into recovery, that seems almost impossible. Our vision – the primary requirement of every leader - is blurred. Some can hardly see the next few days, let alone the years ahead.
We simply have to do the best we can with what we have. And accept every Shift as it comes, with a balance of Focus and Flexibility.
From her decades of leadership experience Catherine shares
You’ve got what it takes.
And she's got your back.
Catherine has a significant reputation as a Leader and Tribe Builder. From her commercial career success to the results from her signature programs, she is passionate about helping your people to generate effective behavioural change and truly get results. As a two day live delivery program, the BEST Leadership Development Program has become legendary. Now also available as a 6 x 2 hour online delivery system, the feedback remains exceptional. Always fully tailored, we cover
· The real difference between management and leadership
· Essential attitudes, qualities and skills for your role
· The range of useful leadership styles and behaviours
· Standards, values and boundaries
· Presenting for influence and impact
· Team problem solving, creativity and innovation
· Motivation and management
· Delegating, coaching and mentoring
· Goals based time management
And the BEST secret is in the follow-up.
Every organisation - multinational, corporate, professional practice or family unit – is right now undergoing continual and dramatic change. For a few, it could be easy and comfortable. For most, it definitely is not. And unless it is handled well and responded to positively, it can quickly become dysfunctional and very destructive.
Our challenge is not just to manage the chaos, but to navigate it, to find, develop and share a new stability and certainty at quantum speed!
Chaos is transformative. That is its actual purpose and real value.
In this 60 minute presentation Catherine shares
She will help you form the neural pathways that allow for better workflow and longer term stability. And she will leave you encouraged and confident to move forward with strength..
Catherine shows, from experience, how to turn trauma into triumph. She knows how a Mind Shift can transform and transcend the pain, creating new levels of commitment and creativity. Practical wisdom, based on her own life's learning and leadership experience. We call it "SHIFTwork".
This program will help your people learn how to leverage their own experience - good and bad - into skills and capabilities for now and for the future. It begins with accepting change and discomfort, growing confidence even in uncertainty. Awareness leads to Understanding and Strength.
Have you ever had the experience of working with a group of people, where everything went so well you wished you could bottle it? Well you can! In every successful team, whether in business, sport or community, there's a special 'something' that makes it work. Catherine's research has identified the components of that 'something' - specific attitudes, values, deliberate diversity, cultural awareness, openness, integrity and commitment are a few. Get steps, systems and strategies to attract the people you want in your team behaving in a way that works, to bring you the results you want.
Now, right now, we need new areas of awareness. Leaders now need a quantum shift in thought and action. We need to encourage people to believe in themselves - in their own capability, expertise and commitment to excellence. They need to own a higher level of responsibility, to listen to their inner knowing, to feel and trust their gut - their enteric brain - and to act on it, reading results as feedback on the way. Intuition can be as essential as researched evidence in future paving. Catherine helps people to see their innate magnificence, developing their own leadership and creating more.
Our curated weekly update, full of leadership wisdom and information from the best publications on the planet.
For more information on fees and availability, send us a message. Tell us about your event, and we will get back to you soon with the information you need.
P O Box 1397, Surfers Paradise Q 4217 Australia
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